Actual      Galerie G      Artists      History      Members      Contact              


Union of visual artists of olomouc (UVUO) is a civic association which main objective is to develop professional visual arts activities in wider cultural and social context. UVUO associates Artists, Critics of art and Architects mostly from Central Moravian region, but there are members from other localities of Czech Republic and abroad as well. During the last years until now, the number of UVUO members was more than 80. The Association is represented by elected Council, the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman and the Chancellor. UVUO is a partnership organization of the Union of Visual Artists of Czech Republic (UVUČR)



In its existence and activities the Union of Visual Artists of Olomouc continues in a long tradition of artistic-associative life in the former Czechoslovakia and in the present Czech Republic. All the activities of UVUO are based on non-profit principles and on a voluntary unpaid work of members, the elected Council and the Art Committee. The primary basis of economic resources for all activities are own financial funds of the Association raised by regular member’s contributions. Other important sources are donations and grants of several Central Institutions, Cultural Foundations and Sponsors. Since 1993 UVUO develops its exposition program in the “Galerie G” in Olomouc. During the period from 1993 to 2006, there were more than 90 exhibitions of visual arts, individual and collective presentations of artists from Czech Republic and abroad effectuated in this gallery. UVUO also participates in organization of several cultural events, international exhibitions and symposiums. Other realizations of UVUO are, for example, running of Art Club of Galerie G and revitalization of Gallery “PATRO” of Olomouc, in which UVUO participates in creating exposition program. The principal activity of the Union of Visual Artists of Olomouc is the organization of exhibitions regularly presenting the work of Czech, Slovak, German, Italian, Dutch, English, French, Austrian, Swiss, Canadian, Korean and Japanese artists, as well as artists from other countries, with an intention to create a long-termed relationships and collaboration on international and interregional level. The cooperation of UVUO with other organizations and subjects of civil society, especially with the Association “SPOLU (TOGETHER)” of Olomouc, which takes care of handicapped children. (Look websites: SPOLU), is also significant. Every year the Association SPOLU organizes a fully benefit auction in Galerie G, where the works of artists from Olomouc and from all the Czech Republic are proposed. Financial income of auction is devoted to the developing of projects which help to introduce the handicapped young people and children into common everyday’s life.


Activities of UVUO also include the relationships with many European cultural and artistic institutions (for example: Association “INT-AKT” from Vienna, A, “GERULATA” from Bratislava, SK, “CENTRO FRIULANO ARTI PLASTICHE” from Udine, IT, “KUNST AKTIEF Foundation” from Veenendaal, NL, Galleries “M-ART” and “WORT UND BILD” from Vienna, A, Gallery “PALAZZO MAGNANI” from Reggio Emilia, IT, Artistic Association “PRO-ARTE VIVENDI” from Berlin and Artistic group “PROTISK” from Bremen, GER, Cultural Association “LA GINESTRA”, Rimini, IT and the “TRIALOG” - Institute of Development of Civic Society from Brno, CZ).

Due to mentioned exchanges, artists from almost all European countries and from Korea, Japan and Canada presented their exhibitions in the Galerie G and participated along with Czech artists in several international projects or artistic Symposiums organized by UVUO, or took part in its coordination: (International Symposiums of Šternberk 1992 - 1995; Czech-German artistic symposiums of Monastery Teplá u Mariánských Lázní - 1998, 2001, 2004; International project “Civitas Dei”; International Symposium “Space of Memory” Šternberk, 2005; Czech-German projects “Levels of Communication” and “Grow together” supported by the Czech-German Reconciliation Fund, with many exhibitions arranged in Olomouc, CZ, Ludwigsburg, Berlin, Hamburg, Pirna and Dresden, GER; Czech-Italian exchange exhibition in Galerie G and in Palazzo Magnani of Reggio Emilia 2004; Czech-Slovak project “Without borders”; Project “Europe to Europe” organized in collaboration with gallery PATRO and with the Baltic Republics - new members of European Community; International project “City like a Place for Human Being”, with international exhibitions and congresses, including the exhibition in the Chamber of Deputies of Czech Republic in Prague, November 2004; and the project of International Danish-Czech artistic Workshop organized in the former Augustinian Monastery of Šternberk in July 2006.



Marek Trizuljak, member of the Council of UVUO








Contacts and addresses:
Unie výtvarných umělců Olomoucka - Galerie G
Dolní náměstí 7
772 00  Olomouc
Phone:  00420 585220218

e-mail contacts: 


Zdeněk Vacek, Chairman
Na Vozovce 12
772 00 Olomouc
Phone: 00420 585413734
Mobile:  +420 605592153


Bohuslav Mařík, Chancellor of UVUO
Dolní náměstí  7
772 00 Olomouc
Mobil  +420 736282370

Jiří Hastík, Chairman of Art Committee

Javoříčská 2,
77200 Olomouc




Contact in English and Italian Language:

Marek Trizuljak -


Contacts in German Language:

Petr Zlamal -

Jiří Hastík -







Information on the Gallery and the Ground plan:

















panoramic views of the Galerie G :









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